Nicholasandchri ★
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Line id: dominogod123
Thanks guys! I thought I was the only one that felt this way.
- failed yr English? That's not what I said.
Savage im female, so not he! Im more upset with the disparity between paragon and thronebreaker players. Doesn't make sense.
Yes I can literally see how many points are required (obviously).The point im making TyEdge is that each week as you complete the objectives you go up two places (as a thronebreaker play), this week i went up only one place! Pretty simple question Ty.
It doesnt have to be well received, nor is it a point. Im merely saying I dont want the ISO. My opinion is not going to change the end result, nor will it be listened to. I have over 15 6* champs at r3, so I dont need the ISO.
There doesn't need to be a point, just my opinion.
Thank you everyone, you are all beautiful people. I finally did 6.2.6 with doom.
Domino, Mephisto, Blade, gilly 2099, and Sunspot