NightStalker2878 ★
And that is the real problem. Why is it still an option to invest in? If it is broken and can not be fixed, simply remove it from the game and compensate those who have already invested in it.
Sorry to hijack your post, but I am about to do lines in the sand and would like some tips on who to use from my team before I begin. Venom 5/55 Medusa- 5/45 Hawkeye- 5/45 Omega Red- 5/45 Heimdal- 5/45 Starky – 4/50 AA- 4/50 Blade- 4/50 Ghost- 4/50 Hyp 4/50 CPT Marvel Movie- 4/50 CAIW- 4/40 Gully 2099- 4/40
I’m about 50/50 for 5 star luck
Yeah, Cull Obsidian has been down since they started maintenance yesterday.