the global node is set by the boss in war... does it apply to the boss also? when i checked it was an outgoing node not a local or incoming anyone knows?
I aggree that it sucks to be kicked like this but kicking someone before the rewards can be something like punishment. In an alliance i was in someone joined and he could have been no1 in aw and aq as he was way more powerfull than any of us but he never listened to anyone, was making fun of how low our champions were,…
Got it on my first try yesterday but nothing today... i remember i opened a 3* but dont remeber which one
1. WASP- from ant-man 2 2.KILLMONGER- from Black Panther movie 3.GLADIATOR HULK- is conected with hulk and thor ragnarok 4.RED SKULL- Is linked only with cap wwii 5.MISS AMERICA- from marvel comics, link fits 6. 7.STEVE ROGERS- a unshield version of Captain America From IW 8 IRONMAN MARK XLVIII- the IW ironman suit…
I have a list of heroes that could join contest of champions amd the first 4 could be in one of the monthly quests of the game.... so no more words here we go 1. Ares 2. Hercules 3. Minotaur 4. Avalanche 5. Morbius 6. Black Cat 7. Emma Frost 8. Jesica Johns 9. Moonstar 10. Tigra 11. Bowman 12. Hammer 13. Tactical Force 14.…