Nova9000 ★
Still need a member!
Sent request in game. Let's talk
U still need an ally? Hit me and lets talk details.
Any screenshots?
I already sent u a message on line app.
Let's talk mate. Line name novab9000 or on here.
Bump for members!
Avgt Novab9000 Add me on line and we can talk details bro.
Looking for members rn of ur caliber. If interested hit me up on here group me line app or in game Novab9000 on line or here Novb9000 on group me or in game
Bump; need 1 more member!
Our ally would need some r4 5*s...I don't think we're what you're looking for mate.
What's ur stats looking like; prestige and top champs?
We're mainly us tz. I can ask my officers and c if they're cool with u joining.
U still need a merger? Let's talk details if ur interested
Hey there. Got a second ally we're working to grow and with it the skilled one's can jump to our main one. Thinking u would b a good fit for us mate. Lmk
Can't find u on line app but we have space if ur willing. Lmk
Still looking
You need an ally? Were plat 3 rn but will b plat 2 soon. Come grow with us at avgt bro.
Let's talk mate ign novb9000 line I'd novab9000
Ign novb9000 line I'd novab9000 let's talk if ur still looking
Let's talk details mate novb9000 is my ign
Hey isn't cracygoat n ur alliance? Hit me on line app and let's talk; mayb a merger could happen.
Message me and we can talk; we fit everything u asked for good sir.
Sorry line name is novab9000
Let's talk. Ign novb9000 same as group me and line
Let's talk bro.ign novb9000 same on line and group me
daily bump