
  • Thank you, Aqua. I’m trying. As for the mystic dispersion, I was overly optimistic that I’d have Magik or DV by now. Ha! One day.
  • Attackers: Spidey SE, Hyp, Guillotine Alternates: Archangel, Quake, Agent Venom Defenders: Agent Venom, Gambit, Groot, Black Widow, Strange Alternates: Black Bolt, Ant-Man, Ultron Possible higher level rank ups: Short-term - (4*) r4: Hawkeye or Elektra, Rogue. (5*) r2: Nebula Long-term: (4*) r5: Archangel. If I pull a top…
  • Hello, Team! Here’s what I got. Sig levels: Spidy SE 25, Hyp 25, Quake 30, Arch 25, AV 55, Gambit 6, Guil 60, BB 53, Groot 20, Ant 22, Howard 40, Red Hulk 20, Storm 30, Unstop Col 20