Onegod007 ★
It’s 8th gen or something like that. Just a version or two off of the most recent
I tried pressing every inch of the screen I could to no avail. Took the cover off and tried directly on the screen. I’m super frustrated.
What are the nodes on the fights leading up to MM left and right?
Expressing interest. GT and line id is onegod007. Prestige is 4833. Looking to transition closer to the end of the month though could consider an earlier transfer. Highlights below: Hero Rating 373K PI Champs: 5* SL R4 at 40 sig lvl 5* Hood R3 at 40 sig lvl 4* Mordo R5 99 sig lvl 4* Quake R5 40 sig lvl 4* Gwenpool R5 40…
Expressing interest. GT and line id is onegod007. Prestige is 4833. Looking to transition closer to the end of the month though could consider an earlier transfer. Highlights below: Hero Rating 373K PI Champs: 5* SL R4 at 40 sig lvl 5* Hood R3 at 40 sig lvl 4* Mordo R5 99 sig lvl 4* Quake R5 40 sig lvl 4* Gwenpool R5 40…
When does the window to get your Legend runs end?