Owenea30 ★
Yeah thats like it for everyone that had the bug atm its still being fixed but the diablo fight was claimable but not sunspot due to how it works they need the players to claim the diablo before they can make the sunspot one finished id say by monday it be fixed as its weekend now Okay thanks
The objective should be claimable if u look at the objectives for carina challenges You can see the middle one… I can’t claim the reward…
Crashed said to finish the path and that they would compensate both tiers later. I'm guessing you didn't actually beat sunspot, so you won't get compensated that point I put a screenshot above
I did
Okay thank you
But with thing??
He is unawakened
I'm using void maybe they have already fix the bug
Yeah sorry I mean that the damage he do are ridiculous because in the movie he is the powerfull guy in black order
Nom dans le jeu:owenea30 Appareil:Huawei p20 lite Modèle:ANE-LX1 Bug sur Wi-Fi et donnés mobile Version:24.0.0 Tout mode de jeu Description: lorsque je combat contre certains personnage qui on des effets spéciaux sur eux comme mysterio ou les blocages de mister sinister namor et même modock mon jeu rame énormement et lague…
Iceman si éveillé
Des éclats 5* serait le minimum
J'utilise un wicko Lenny 3 et oui j'ai essayé de réinstaller 2 fois sans succès malheureusement