Ox_lord17 ★
Thanks for the info you guys it’s greatly appreciated
Wait I messed that up hulk buster and Gwen are awakened
I’m trying for uncollected not there yet though
I forgot I also have BWDO unduped
I personally want to do stealthy but I’m not sure
Ok thx
Oops I don’t understand how pictures work on here. He is duped r4 and sig 92 *4
Honestly for me Iso shortage it the problem
@Valmarx thanks for the info I really appreciate it
Only hulk buster is duped
Ok imma do ghost thanks for voting:)
Thanks for the info guys I really appreciate it
My other option is red skull but I don’t hate myself enough to do that lol
I’m honestly not sure
4 star silver surfer max rank and sig but soon it will probably be 5* cmm
I would love for dormau and red skull to get reworked and why y’all hating on BWDO
She isn’t duped but I will try to do her anyways. Only Gwen is duped
Anyone have a better idea. If so please let me know