
  • I wish I could remember if I was under concussion the first time it happened, but I know GP had no combo, I only took block damage from her. I guess the game rolled really well on that 100 sided dice at both the 50% and 25% health marks, lol. Thanks for the quick responses.
  • To add insult to injury, they've added bonus gold to the unit packs, LMAO
  • Post by Kabam Mike on the 8th said "The first step of this, which is removing the extra gold from player balances will be completed by tomorrow." Tomorrow would have been the 9th, here it is the 11th and some of us still have the gold issue, SMH.
  • Mine's still wrong as well, unlike most of the rest of my alliance.
  • It is an option once you get to the milestone progress screen. I had already gotten all the milestones, that's why I did not get that option I guess.
  • I think I figured out the issue. The 2 button option appears at the milestone rewards progress screen. Since I had already obtained all the milestones in that arena, it just bypasses that screen and takes me out to the arena selection screen. I went to a different arena that I had NOT gotten all the milestones in and there…
  • Thanks for trying to help me. Yes, I've updated to 14.0. I get the streamlined options between each match. However, after the final match I only have a CONTINUE button, I don't have 2 buttons for BACK TO ARENAS or NEXT SERIES.
  • I'm wondering why in the new streamlined arenas IPhone users have an option for next series while Android users have the old continue button and have to go thru selecting the arena again?