Pez106 ★
Spots are still open :)
I'm sorry to hear that. This the most genuine of ad's for new recruits. It is meant to get across some of the fun and humour we are lucky to have in our alliance. It's only the 2nd time I've posted about it on here, and it is what this entire section of the forum is designed for....
Thanks to everyone that contacted the alliance. We still have a spot free :) hit me up :)
@Ah_boy8 I've just accepted a friend request in game. Been asleep for a few hours.
I've just posted about a spot in my alliance - if it sounds good message me :)
The shards are a nice gift but I don't think that it's going to please everyone. Gold realm always seems to cheer my alliance up when things have been botched.
Thanks GroundedWisdom :)
GR ranked up 4* vs. Magick ranked up 4* in AW. Dash back failed after a L1 special. Lost the fight because of it :( or maybe the would have lost any way. Edit. iPad 2.