PhantomSnek ★
You also gain a reality warp for every time you go through his solar forms, once you go through all 3 you get one. Say you get through his forms 3 times (in reality probably more but I've realised I need to underestimate) and then die, that's still a plus 2 net positive. Average fight say 2 or 3 revives. After taking down…
That's superior iron man, op is talking about infamous iron man
Korg for me, I needed the dupe and colossus isn't relevant in Bgs which I focus on and Thing is pretty easy to counter imo while korgs dupe provides unavoidable damage unless skillfully played against.
So, um this is a flat out lie for some people? I get it's just a title but it's still extremely scummy the lack of transparency that was presented to the player base over this. Not to mention, again for some people, we just didn't get the title for beating the count and there seems to be zero announcement made about the…
I doubt it. It is a cool reference but I think it's just that. It's always been a "trope" that characters reference gods or other powerful beings to express shock. Like Thor saying "By Odin's beard" is just that.
If you're concerned about that you can just build power to nearly 3 bars before baiting their special and popping sp2. That way you barely got to build anything before throwing a sp1. A lot of champs that enjoy chaining sp2 and sp1 enjoy this strat like Zemo.
He later tweeted about seeing Shathra and Beta Ray Bill's animations so that is probably what he is alluding to.