PrinceEldarion ★
You guys have once again ignored valiant players. The crystals are disappointing for us. I would have been better off using these units on Black Friday deals but I was hoping this event would live up to its promise. Sure, for my jr account that just hit paragon, these rewards are great. the rewards for top tier players…
Missing a piece as well. I’ve been waiting for this to come in the store. Hopefully they release it before they allow you to dupe him
How many pieces are available now? I feel like I missed one
Mine just came through!
No rewards either. Please send my rewards, this isn’t good for my anxiety!
Why hasn’t this been addressed @"Kabam Miike" ? It’s affecting my alliance as well but I don’t see anything where Kabam has addressed this despite people reporting the issue for 1 1/2 months
This event usually has the best rewards. So upset that the one year I planned on going hard on it, the rewards are so meh. Highly disappointed
Oops line is princeoration
Line Prince_oration
But that’s not true. I revive dead champs all the time on choice nodes in story mode. I just back out of the node, revive, them re enter. I haven’t done EOP but I’m guessing it’s not the same
I may be interested
Yeah I’m having the same issue. I tried selecting 1bg off and 2 bg on but it keeps listing both on and off for the same amount of BG’s
Yeah it does seem like they intended to open up one of the middle paths and this one was opened by accident
Very rarely. Today was the first 5* I’ve ranked up in a very long time. Spidey 2099, just cause I really like him and could use the buff immunity. Also, science is my weakest class
No, it’s good for a weekly compensation but considering they’ve only given us one questing comp since the issue began, this first one should’ve had more to it
It makes them immune to future debuffs but as far as existing debuffs, they purify them. It used to be that with apocalypse they couldn’t purify the debuffs but now that’s not working
Just happened to me as well. I was confused when I didn’t get any rewards and thought I must’ve read wrong
Always rank up God tier 5* regardless if you have them as a maxed 4*.
For some reason HB stopped taking damage for long periods of time. Node 85. Modifier is Role Reversal and I was using VTD. Even with Toxic Armor and bleed there was no damage. I have video but no idea how to post
Yeah that node reduces damage but should still be dealing a good deal of damage. Even with toxic armor and bleed, I was getting no damage
I just had the same issue. Class reverse was the modifier and I was using VTD against HB
Shouldn’t the calendar have started today? I’m pretty sure it’s started the same day as the event in the past
Agreed. Much better this way. Please keep it like this, Kabam
If you missed a couple days last run and do all of them this run you can still get a 5* at the end of this run
Wanted Emma but don’t think I can complain too much
[/quote] I just did 3 runs in epic, and from the 2nd and 3rd time I DID GET NOTHING (no rewards, no points). I said screw it, and tried 4th time, and I got the rewards AND the points as well. The fix isn´t working for all.[/quote] same exact thing happened to me. Not getting rewards on 2nd and 3rd run but getting them on…
Ok so I ran epic 3 times and had only received the rewards the first time but just ran it again and this time received rewards and points again. I hope I’ll stil get the rewards I missed out on
He’s saying if we’re affected by this, we can run the room multiple times and they will compensate us the appropriate rewards later in the week. At least that’s my understanding
Hmm so milestone points should equal one run of all 5 difficulties right? Once fixed you won’t need to do multiple runs just to hit top milestone without any further rewards from running it, correct?