
  • Thanks for the explanation.
  • If this is Beta testing, why does it still cost energy to join? Yes I realize they gave us energy, but why not just have it be free to encourage more testing? I have wasted tons of energy and time to actually get 1 fight in. It's not just a buggy, the mode is basically unplayable right now, for me at least. Also, the set…
  • Submitted a ticket about this and was told, in short: "It is either your internet connection or your device. Nothing wrong on our end!" That made this simply frustrating situation incredibly annoying. The legal phrase to know here is temporal proximity. Something that happens so closely in time that it is unlikely caused…
  • I just noticed this because I was planning on ranking him up. He is now lower than Beast! With no update to him this month, I would love to know why this happened.