Pugone ★
Where do I officially complain about the fact that the reason I’m not a Thronebreaker is that the only class type I can r3 a 6* for is mystic. I got one from my Abyss run and for sone reason nearly every single other t5 cc opportunity has earned me yet another mystic t5 cc. I have no mystic 6* worthy of these resources. I…
Or it fixed itself
They fixed it
So I had this happen versus Symbiote Surpeme in AW. As a result I tried dueling symbiote supreme with my NF and the same thing happened in the duel as in AW. I lost the LMD immediately.
Please tell me you still have that spot
What’s your war rating? What reward tier are you in?
No longer
Pugone [-Z]
Where’d you finish in the first aw season?
#addyos I'd like to hit your points one by one. 1. Participation is what got those that were awarded the package the crystal in the first place. If you aren't participating you aren't increasing your rating and if your rating wasn't high enough you didn't get it. So this argument isn't strong on your part. The seasoned…