
  • I wasn’t a person who opened a bunch of mythic crystals. But I think it’s funny to see a company punish people for mistakes they make in posting rewards. Don’t you guys have a checks and balances system in place? Doesn’t someone in management check the work of others? I’m not trying to stir things up. But that’s like going…
  • When will these adjustments be made for the arena updates so those of us who didn’t make it but tried?
  • Complete and utter bulldookey! Who cares how WE use OUR resources (Energy, units, etc) to obtain potions for potion farming. Now you are limiting what we can get and taking away auto option. Crock of dog dookey! Hating this pile of terds.
  • Need our Tickets reimbursed.
  • This is dumb. Bleed immune global node. You have champs that are near impossible to beat on nodes and youre making it harder to beat them in an attempt to have players spend more resources. Our alliance will not br participating in this Blled Immune War u less it is changed. Other alliances are not participating as well.…
  • Have a few spots open in our Alliance. War focused. Chilled on AQ with 43222 to allow free up for Quests, low donations, etc. Gold Tier new alliance moving up fast. Line preferred. Fun and friendly active group. Hit me up on Line or in game to join or inquire further. Line ID: RRICK215, will come up Smash with Hulk photo.…
  • Have a few spots open in our Alliance. War focused. Chilled on AQ with 43222 to allow free up for Quests, low donations, etc. Gold Tier new alliance moving up fast. Line preferred. Fun and friendly active group. Hit me up on Line or in game to join or inquire further. Line ID: RRICK215, will come up Smash with Hulk photo.…
  • Have a few spots open in our Alliance. War focused. Chilled on AQ with 43222 to allow free up for Quests, low donations, etc. Gold Tier new alliance moving up fast. Line preferred. Fun and friendly active group. Hit me up on Line or in game to join or inquire further. Line ID: RRICK215, will come up Smash with Hulk photo.…
  • Have a few spots open in our Alliance. War focused. Chilled on AQ with 43222 to allow free up for Quests, low donations, etc. Gold Tier new alliance moving up fast. Line preferred. Fun and friendly active group. Hit me up on Line or in game to join or inquire further. Line ID: RRICK215, will come up Smash with Hulk photo.…