Have 3 spots open in our alliance. Currently gold 2, looking to fill to go back to gold 1. Running map 5 in aq. Hit me up in line: rsch. Alliance tag is sage.
How many are you looking for?
I’m assuming you will also give me back the units spent on pots?
Xforce is looking for new players. 8.2 mil (with 27 memebers), run map 5x5 moving to map 6 soon. No drama or expectations to spend. Add me on line: Rsch1
Xforce is looking for new players. 9.4m alliance expert tier. Run 5x5. No pressure to spend and respect real life takes priority over the game. Hit me up on line at rsch1.
Xforce is looking for some new players. 9m+ allaince, expert tier. Msg me at rsch1 on line
We also have a pretty entertaining chat group with no drama.