
  • Me too, can’t reset my password, never received the code by email from the game’s reset password option. Tried many times all day long.
  • I don’t think it’s a problem with the phone, it happens only with mcoc, tested with most of the games and apps I have installed. It’s a very discreet sound, my family had to lift the bottom speaker close to the ear so they could hear.
  • No, this isn’t an in game sound... sounds like amplified (badly, btw) sound. You know, when you turn the volume all the way up and the speakers output that hiss noise? I don’t discard it being a source of heat and battery drain. The in game music and sfx are already awful, now I can’t even let it running in the background…
  • I think the real problem is inconsistency. In terms of playability it (generally speaking) used to be 2 games... one game used to be arenas/quest and another game was AW/AQ. Now due to inconsistency every playable area is an entirely different game. What works on arenas doesn't work at quests... AQ and AW are so different…
  • Keep blocking, when Mordo uses his heavy, evade and dash fw. Bait his L1/L2 and attack after his special move. If you corner him, he'll use heavies and specials more often (and you can hit a heavy when he's in power gain). If you stun him, just ignore and keep blocking (or use a special or, if you time it correctly, hit a…
  • I'm also having problems with GR... as said above, heavy attack only hits the first time on stunned enemies (happens all the time against Magik and Scarlet Witch, don't know about the others). In Alliance Quest, Life Steal heals one time every two hits. L3 isn't removing Judgments at all. Is it normal, like an AQ cap?