Kabam can't even respond here about Vision and others bugs, it's a true shame. Change is necessary..
Carnage will have a buff in 78.3 update in 2026?
Should be mate. Kabam is losing the game, they can't handle bugs/char updates,etc...
Don't, just use if they CONFIRM a great update on him. Wasted TC4 Cosmics and Alpha2 :(
Still waiting : )
Still waiting for an mod response. Miike, keep closing posts saying: We don't have anything to say now, we let you guys know when we have something." Dude, past 2 months and this? WTF, tell us something about a timer to this, the priorities then, Carnage is pretty "bugged" right now, cause he is super weak, poor stats,…
I think Carnage will beat an record on 5* Feature Crystal. 0 Purchases. Maybe after that, Kabam should do something.
Of course you don't have him bro. If you stack 3 or 4 furys, like @LocoMotives said, it's a worst choice to build him. He's far from "normal" champ in this meta, even Spider Gwen after sp1, hits harder than Carnage with 3 fury buffs. Pff, how can this be good? He just a trash
Expectate: 100% Reality: - 100% The most disappointing champ released.
Worst champ at now
HAHA, damn right! :(
Ya, Carnage was the most requested char, but he is just a trash in the game. We can ask for anyone, but without create a good expectation from Kabam dev team, sadly :(
@neb Ya mate, sadly :( @Cuteshelf +1
Ya guys, Carnage seems to be the worst champ at now, no good skills, 3* base stats, useless SA, 1* bleed. I'm still waiting Kabam to fix this champ description to Garbage. A lot of cool ideas have been said and no one answer from any mod in there, just, they will look into. The fact he ins't as a Boss in the new Spider…
Miike, that's is unbelievable, really, we all know, look the players reaction, just. Btw, I hope a good challenge in there. ¥ RIP CARNAGE ¥
Best comment I've seen so far. By the way, they know Carnage is the worst champ in the meta today, but they can't do nothing. A Special quest about Spider without Carnage seems pretty hard to think, nice Kabam :) Increases theses 5* frags, all the time we getting this, takes to long to form 1 crystal.
Ok dude, but if Carnage was supposed to be an defensive hero or play well with 5x block buffs, they fail at making him. With 5 block buffs, he will hit like a 3 stars. Imagine an Carnage with 5x Block Buffs against an imune, ex: Ultron, Colossus. I'm pretty sure he will be the most weak champs from all we have until now.
The question isn't about player gameplay, it's about a champion, I know how to use Spider Gwen and I like it a lot, but she useless, like another champs. It's about to introduce a broken champ to the game.
He is completely useless, it's a shame. Miike said they will look at, but personally I think they didn't check him yet. Maybe in 2018.. Lol, how can theses guys from dev team create a new Spider with such a nice mechanics who has 10000% better than Carnage? It's causa Spider have so much more love than Carnage? Very nice…
+1 They completely miss Carnage in this Game, just his animations are good. The skills, time to building him, 3* base stats, laughable bleed, worst villain victory pose (same as Cap), it's just a mess from the dev team. And Miike said he is good in long fights :) Well, I try to keep positive, but, looks like they don't…
Ya, lol. What tier is bro? You attacking Boss with Thor? Lol, even in the low tiers they got stun imune right? If no, i'm sorry,
Yes mate
Ya, it's a shame that we can't bump this thread anymore.
Ya, lol! 100% agreed
Ya mate, let's hope for the best.