Rayven5220 ★★★★★
You've never done abyss collector have you? Even MSD said that's the hardest fight in the game currently, ans that's coming from MSD, lol I've never done abyss collector, don't get me wrong, but I do have issues with mecro gm in phase 3 for sure. That phase coat me just as much as the whole path did when I did the…
The "I'm good at the game, especially battlegrounds" then "but I can't get out of vibranium this season" in what is one of the easiest metas we've had in awhile is wild to me.
Thor, hopefully. 😍
He does, and unless you're trying to push high in bg's, he doesn't need r3. I woild say either sinister, enchantress or nefaria. I've seen great thing from all 3. Enchantress is pure defense unless you wanna try to learn her for long form, sinister is definitely a dual threat and nefaria, for sure attacker, no idea about…
If you want to see 100% on everything, that's the only reason to do old content with outdated rewards. Its old content, why would they add new rewards to get players to do old content, when they can just make new relevant content? If you want the 100%, do the content. If you don't want the 100%, don't do it. It's that…
Brian Grant.
I paused while fury was at 1% in his first life the other day because I was already low on time. It worked out for me, luckily. My gods I fought terribly in that fight 🤣 For future readers of this comment, don't get hit by nick fury, especially when you're not bleed immune. It hurts. Alot.
Arcade, Attuma, domino. If I see them, they're usually banned.
Where is that? Given everytime somebody has asked Lags about him I've heard Lags say "he'll be back" when did that change?
So you expect compensation for something you didn't do? I hope this is sarcasm. 😅
1 is good. We already get 2 per day from daily and apothecary. There's no content in this entire game that you can't do after saving up for a few weeks. These just make it a bit quicker to get there. Nothing more, nothing less.
@SpiderVerse I'm not sure how high you push in BG's, but those r4 CGR and hulkling are gonna take longer to take down 7r3 champs, and time is of the essence in BG's. Given you said your focus is mostly BG's, that pushes me even more towards you taking then to r5 over scream to r3. You say "but at r4 they rarely get banned"…
Given you're still TB, I would go for hulkling and cgr. 2 champs over one that bring more utility combined on your team. You're not through act 7 even, so 2 of the best cosmic 6* locked champs will bring you further than one r3 will.
You do the 6 necropolis carinas to awaken him.
I just take it as it goes. Sometimes you pull garbage for what seems like forever, then go on a hot streak. It is what it is.
No, he didn't. He's full of it.
It's because the mentality nowadays is if the champ isn't a top tier defender, or a nuke attacker for BG's, they're a bad champ. Sad but true what this game is coming to.
Not t2a in with a selector of t6b/t3a for one... I don't need anywhere near that amount of t2a they offer. I really don't need t2a at all anymore and if I did, I could get it from the glory or bg store instead of being forced to get it with the selector and it going into my overflow with the other 50 sitting in my overflow.
A robot playing mcoc, that's not MSD? Or is MSD an alien? Jury is still out on that one. This could be the greatest thing of all time, and sounds super cool if you can make it work!
So because he knows how one of the best mystics in the game works, he should know how a champ next to nobody uses works, too? What?
Same deal here. Just started a bg match and couldn't pick my bans and next I knew the game dropped. Tried to get back in and got the same message
Yes. Seen morbid angel live many moons ago, was one of the best concerts I ever been to, and I have been to many! Favourite band is Emperor! Got their logo tattooed across the top of my back.
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you go out of the app, then back into the game, doesn't it usually force close the app? I know I've accidentally swiped and hit my home screen button before mid questing and if I remember correctly, it force closed the app and I had to restart, which then brought me back into my quest with…
Your post has determined that is a lie. Even after having it explained to you, you still haven't figured it out. Since you wanna be an ass, and call people smart asses because it was explained clearly to you and you don't like that, I won't bother. It's people like you that give the mcoc community a bad name thinking we're…
You won't be banking 7/7 revives. You'll be banking 1/1 though, which is close I guess.
Definitely easy when you have herc. Congrats, though! Time to tackle some endgame content! 💪
Another one who misses the point completely. Of course you CAN use a 6*, but that doesn't take away from the fact that assault pool is complete garbage in comparison to Vanguard and tactician. 🤣
@BigPoppaCBONE way to miss the whole point. Point is the whole Assault pool is a joke. Half the champs aren't available as 7*, or they're only available is special crystals. The assault pool has gotten screwed completely.
Skill issue. Read nodes, bring a counter, fight accordingly. But instead you come to the forums, whine about how the game sucks and it's dying "been hearing that for the 7.5 years I been playing* and bash kabam because you don't know how to counter a fight.