ReedRichards423 ★
We got like 3 Moon Knight characters in this I feel like that's a waste of two other potential candidates if I'm being honest
I mean, I voted for Echo when she was in the previous choice Me personally, Echo, Hellcat, or the Shroud is who I'm voting for
I'd say Shathra cause she could probably help you out in what your aiming for
3* - Doctor Octopus 4* - Captain Marvel (Movie) 5* - YellowJacket 6* - Daredevil (Hells Kitchen) 7* - Terrax
We all love you very much Jax. You bring us joy in every Livestream with your amazing optimism and charismatic personality. Hopefully we can all see you again in the future after tomorrow and big prayers for your future ahead of community manager
Finally know what the giveaway is from in game. I'm a little disappointed with it. Why can't there be a giveaway for Northstar and Arcade as well as the passes. I've been looking forward to that 🥺😞😔😥
Northstar even though controversial to some people for obvious reasons is such an amazing character. Everything about him is just peak. Hopefully he is gonna be a banger cause I'm gonna hunt this man down for my roster
Yes, every sig that Mister Fantastic gains makes him much stronger
Thanks Going back
I love the Luke Cage buff dont get me wrong. But there are still better science champs to choose from; such as Photon, Hulk, Titania, Spider-Ham, etc.
If you got banned it was for a reason and is a reason why you shouldnt get account back
I have been falling in love with Rictor, a mutant who can create seismic waves and can create earthquakes. He and Shatterstar are top 5 of favorite mutants and with Shatterstar in the running for a character coming in May this year, Rictor would be a great addition as well
We dont need a Blob, WE NEED A SWARM people. Lets vote for Swarm instead
Trilliboss, that is why it is a hot take many people disagree with this statement
I have been wanting SHATTERSTAR in the game for about 2 years after an event happened that made me appreciate Shatterstar more. I think he would be an amazing character to have in game
Welcome to the Forums buddy. Hopefully you will find your place here
Dude you nailed that poetry. My favorite thing was probably finally getting after 6 months and getting a lot of RNG with amazing pulls, such as 5 star awakened Herc, 6 star Silk, 6 star Shocker, 6 star Icema, and many other amazing pulls.
Since Morbius came out this year, I really dont think they will make him a Deathless character. If they do that would be great though, but I doubt it. To me, I saw a Deathless Tigra, Void, Wolverine, and Doctor Strange
I picked Lagacy but there was another one I had to mention. Jay Axe. He is the goat as well
This is tough. I would probably say Shuri
This will be my first time getting him so that is good. Lil Richards. Joining the roster
AINT NO WAY YOU ASCENDED GROOT. Please tell me if he is doing anything for you
Yeah I completed Act 5 then and got nothing yet. Good comment. I even forgot about that there was supposed to be a compensation
ANOTHER TOP 12 CHAMPS I WANNA SEE (2 in each class) 1. Shaman (Mystic) 2. Agatha (Mystic) 3. Firelord (Cosmic) 4. Beta Ray Bill (Cosmic) 5. Sunfire (Mutant) 6. Northstar (Mutant) 7. Black Knight (Skill) 8. Gorgon (Skill) 9. Giant Man (Science) 10. Wonder Man (Science) 11. Iron Lad (Tech) 12. Beetle (Tech)
Here is my roster
Congrats KABAM JAX. We all knew you could do it. Next up, PARAGON
I love Mister Fantastic. He has been my favorite character since 2019 and finally got him as a 5 star last week. Hence I maxed him out as 5 star R5 DAY 1 and awakened him to sig 126. Also why he is my first character I am ascending. I just see myself as the character as I would instantly pick him as my MARVEL…
I think he sucks. BUT there are people who think he is solid
I would probably pick Ant Man because since his buff I have been really enjoying him a lot