If interested, add Rextallga in-game. We are a 5 mil alliance in expert tier. The plan is to run a 55533 configuration in AQ. We do not require arena grinding.
Looking for one now.
Still looking for 2
Our alliance is new. We plan on running Maps 4/5 either this week or the following. We war as often as the game allows, and do not require arena grinding. Currently sitting just short of 4 million. Line is required. Add Rextallga in-game if you're interested.
Add me in-game-- Rextallga. We're just getting started and are 3.4 mil with 18 members. Our plan is to run some Map 5, along with some Map 3/4. We're happy to help you learn Map 5.
Looking for 11.
Added you in-game. We're a new alliance. We're being picky about who we let in, but you seem like you would be a good fit. Let me know if you have any questions.
I'm with ThumbsOfGalactus. We're a new alliance currently sitting at 18 members (3.4 mil). We've all been together for a few years. If you're interested or want more details, add Rextallga in-game, or through Line.
Still looking to fill some spots.
Added you in-game.