Rey305 ★
@"Kabam Miike" why can’t I use the 2016 rank up gem for lol ultron even when he’s a 2016 champion ?
"Kabam Miike" Why can’t I use a rank up gem for lol ultron if he’s a 2016 character ?
You may also wanna fix broken champs like stealth spidey pre fight ability and try to make him efficient against mutants , he hits very low without his fury buff and he can’t stack debuff against mutant class how’s he supposed to fight that class ?
That’s so expected coming from them I was gonna r5 stealthy but I guess I’ll leave him r4 and look into another champ good to see I’m not the only one complaining about this , thanks
Exactly I still hit him while enervate and he gains power like there’s no debuff applied
Where are kabams mod at ? I wanna hear what they have to say after so many complains , ppl is not happy with this unfair treatment and they should fix it .
Plat alliance map 6 and 5 must have 2 r5 and be active