Riza_20 ★
He hits through block and evading l1 was nightmare. It’s totally different from act6 GM and the GM here is worse. Under 30% well time block doesn’t happen. Every time I did well time block it said parry and I was getting struck by GM. I don’t understand. This parry bug isn’t fixed. With this style we cannot fight the quest
@"Kabam Zibiit" How come grandmaster hit through block. Throughout the fight he hit through block. Specially the last 30% you might wanna consider well timed block ain’t gonna work there. He just hit through each time I tried.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" video is there for clear proof. It’s happening in AQ map7 as far as I saw. Can we have a fix please.
I am just holding on block. If you are playing map7 delirium inverted. You will know what I am talking about. I am not talking about story quest. I am talking about Alliance Quest. If you aren’t a map7 player. Please do not false comment.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" . You guys knows that tunnel vision node is being bugged still which is posted by many players in the community. Any combo pattern that’s be tried out there is just waste. All hits getting missed. Only way is parry and heavy and the very first hit after parry is a miss...…
Ears will get opened up when you just type a word of filth. Isn’t it @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious"
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" Any of you can help to fix this issue before next aq. Please, it’s a kind request
Is a garbage nodes
It’s not only about the node can’t stop won’t stop, How is someone fight with the node prove yourself when there is mesmerize node.. must be a big joke that is out there without any testing.
Supreme symbiote synergy with mephisto doesn’t work as well. Mephisto get aura during the basic hits whereas supreme symbiote who is supposed to start with special 1 with mephisto synergy doesn’t start with special 1. Its been now more than 3 weeks. Tired of posting this everywhere. If synergy isn’t meant to work why would…
10mn BC he must be grinding day and night. I have video of my friend opening 17mn bc which was his 2.5 years of savings.
To add, when rushing behind the gold grinding arena on the time we have, we don’t get sufficient time to do the necessary other content. Gold shall be available as part of every rewards as without gold there is no AQ, not a SINGLE RANK UPS will be happening. Do consider the request.
I tried still after update yondu doesn’t get parried even when it states “ parry” just tried in quest and duel. He doesn’t get parried...
So who is immune to shock ?
Also on buffed up node, why don’t the passive fury from evade is accounted ? The node says 3 or more buff of same kind works as well.
My friend who is facing Korg in map7. Showed me this, which means he can’t attack that guy who gives 4K thorn damage.plus there isn’t counter korg much that is immune to KORG . Like this dickhead moves make player to quit
As they could move 2 nodes max and wait for several others to take down nodes, which in term is stress causing to do it. As per Kabam survey stated by Old kabam employee that their top members of the game plays only 9hrs a week or lesser. So to maintain that same 9hrs again. Map7 time could be a 30mins.
We would get instant reply only if we speak filth and not the truth and humble manner...
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Vydious"
I doubt kabam take any action against these guys
Please do make changes in AQ because aq is uncapped now. You are going to introduce Map7 for higher tier. So please make map6 a playable content. Better make domino Kill monger unduped. Is just an idea. Also remove those thorn out going nodes. We must be able to clear map with linked node because what if someone in the…
My r5 stark spidey died to Killmonger just with reverberation. Out of 37 hits only 7 hits accounts for reverberation
I will fight aq void with suicide masteries and you can see void would degenerate me without his actual debuff. And I will do a duel against a suicide opponent using my void and you will find the opponent doesn’t degenerate without void debuff.
I have just one and only one doubt. Will kabam response to it ? As a committee, we players have more and more powers than anyone here. If the guys who moves the accounts of MMXIV, ISO8 etc., in AW and comes forward and prove that he/she been moving their accounts till the present. Will kabam as a company BAN their…
Actually AA SP3 stuns the opponent even though they are on stun immune node. It’s been happening for very long time as I use suicide masteries, I used to put sp3 only... some saying challenger rating and stuff but in Act 5.4 Where ever u find GG, AA can take him out with 3-4 parry and heavy. When u try the same in AQ…
Almost everyone facing but ppl out there thinking it’s their device but it’s actually the game tbh
No lag