
  • Oh, so somebody on the dev team actually started playing Future Fight. because this is just the world boss mode form Future Fight. Instead of ripping off other games content and trying to pass it off as your "new" content, why don't you stop making new content until you can flawlessly put out the content you already have?…
  • Another idea would be to skip the heroic level if you're at a certain rank but still have to spend the energy it would take to complete the heroic level quests. So instead of wasting so much time on easy fights that you know you aren't gonna lose, you just spend the quest energy and get the rewards.
    in Event quest Comment by Roy34 August 2017
  • It would be okay if they had a better autofight system that didn't still require the user to pay attention to every fight and move up the map. Autofight should progress on it's own if it's turned on. As far as the extra shards, nope don't care about them. Just want to get to master level and get the T2 alpha shards so I…
    in Event quest Comment by Roy34 August 2017