
  • These are great changes and very welcome, but please remember based on the difficulty this mode was unplayable for 98% of the player base. 1. Please change the 10% damage cap to 15 or 20%. With a 10% cap there's too much opportunity to be stuck by other players and this fun game mode becomes hurry up and wait. 2. Drop the…
  • 4 months? You've probably missed 120 revives out of it give or take (so 2 Carina's challenges)
  • @"Kabam Miike" Thanks for listening and adjusting the rewards. If we had been provided 20 revives and 20 10k heals, I think that would have allowed end game players to run the content and recoup those rewards as intended. I love the idea of extra keys to run hard content, but I would ask you look at it from the player…
  • @"Kabam Miike" can you please comment on what the game developers want out of this gameplay? My confusion is a competitive game mode implies, end game content focused on players matching rosters. My suggestion is there shouldn't be any cost associated with a competitive mode. There are a number of avenues we pay to build…