Rush_Cat ★
If you love one of the champs or you are going to use them soon sure. I'm ranking up my 6 star corvus for the incursion
I'm on an S23+ and can't login so it's not just apple devices
mcoc players don't ask for compensation every two seconds challenge impossible
I didn't get any rewards for beating him is that supposed to happen?
yeah honestly does feel less than 30 fps
Same here, S20+ at 120hz used to be super smooth. Now it locks at 30 FPS in menus and the input delay in fights is near unplayable for me. it used to run like this when I put my screen refresh rate to 60hz but now it forces it like this even at 120hz
Finally got lucky in this game for once. Awakened him and time for 100% Variant 3
It hurts man
same for me, came back last month and got cavalier and most of the variants done, I have a rank 5 duped corvus and he packs a fat punch especially with suicides but it also depends on what other cosmic options you have
Since January 2015, only about $20 spent throughout all of it and that was recently lol
Very sad about the outcome, almost enough for the 6 star and hopefully its not as bad as the falcon I got last time.
Haven't used any of the others (besides Venom the Duck) but Cap IW is my second favorite champ in the game, he has gotten me through so much content and I just recently duped him and it just makes him that much better. You take 0 damage when you parry and deal so much damage on that heavy and special 2.
ah yeah the announcement just popped up at the top of the forums for me, it be like that
fourth time bud if you count the scheduled maintenance, I've been up all night for it all
bro your man is just tryna get his morning grind rn
Yep same, just used an energy refill too, and my 5 stars in the arena are almost off cooldown
Just bought an energy refill and used it too, oof man.
Not that I saw on my run.
I hope it comes back. I stopped playing the game in 2017 and missed out last year.
Seems to be some kind of daily quests that were put out too early. I like what I've seen of them lol.
Yeah I ran through it as well, I just assumed it was for the holiday event.
I usually just watch a show or something and zone out while I play arena. That seems to help me as the arena is kinda just mindless playing in the infinite streak.
100% agree. I have both versions as duped 4 stars and they are some of my weakest mutant 4 stars.