Yup, I'm with you. AW is terrible now. The new changes could be promising but the lack of stability makes my hear hurt too. We've lost so many in a row trying to make adjustments for the new rules and now we got to figure them out again. Whatever happened to beta testing?
bumping while we look for one more
Still have a few spots!
We filled two spots and have room for two more. Hit me up on LINE if you're interested!
We still have room for the right players!
Filled the spot and then had another one open up. Hit me up if you want to join the last alliance you'll ever need.
Still have room for one more!
Not too late to join us before we start AQ. If you're looking for an alliance that isn't afraid to tackle Map 6 and go for a high rank - we're the alliance you're looking for!
Still hoping to find that perfect candidate before AQ starts
We still have room for one more (possible could make room for two for the right players).
Still looking for the perfect fit. Would love to add you before AQ starts. Hit me up if you're interested!
We still have room for one more!
Must be an active player. US time zone preferred but not required.
I've pulled four Ultimate Spider Verse crystals which yielded three 3* champs and one 4* champ.
We have room for more! Ideal candidates meet the above requirements and also don't need someone to tell them what to do in AQ/AW. If you have a friend or two we can make room for the right candidates!
Still looking for 1 or 2 more. Hit me up if you're looking to join a great group!