Your Spam Post Violates ToS of Forums ok so you be constructive instead of trying to find gold where there is only dirt
For Real I get it man good catch thanks
Pi is about 3.14 for good estimates if you need exact precision you would need a Ti-84 or better calculator.
If you get him to sp2 you are screwed.
Paid $0 dollars don't use wolverine or x23 lol had a colossus in 2* team 😂😂🤣😂
Use 2* bishop sp3 at beginning of fight takes a good chunk. Storm Sp2 2* 5k damage. The Epic Iceman 3* max more than enough.
How does this have an effect on gameplay smh
@"Kabam Zibiit"
Should have chosen correct option or asked if was not sure first before jumping and rushing in to start aq. I know you have to start right away sure but when something gets changed always have to pay more attention to details.
Then don't blame Kabam should have asked another officer to do it sorry sounds like a personal problem. I am thinking that all these messages that are complaining is cause one officer/leader rushed and didn't pay attention now they messed up for their whole alliance and they probably chose 1 bg and they are mad at Kabam…
It's a secret #BetaTester 🤣
Don't think it's against rules
Whoever your officer or leader might need to check details might be missing something
Working over here
O_o smh
Read Ice Armor what it does smh
Stop posting duplicate topics @will-o-wisp spamming hard
Spam. You really need to update device smh
@will-o-wisp not a hug you only need to press once or use it from item screen smh
@will-o-wisp working as intended smh
Damn fam saw video and thats cray @"Kabam Sophia" @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Porthos" this is crazy how ICEMAN is bugging out! Please please please help!
1.You have no proof just click bait lol 2. just a spam thread 3. IMIW is easy to beat idk what you talking 4. All nodes are fine 5. Visual bug just read that meme someone posted
Can't accuse of hacking on here lol
😆😆😂😂🤣🤣 make that 99.9%
It's happened to me before yes it's weird but man keep posting the thread again until someone answers.
It's kinda a passive damage that is dealt. Like even if you have 3* iceman and have Ice armor and then there is a 5* iceman does frostbite damage passive effect it'll take more than 5% say if you used a 3* iceman and you'll keep your ice armor. Or if you go against a red hulk and he has 10 charges does sp3 the damage from…
Passive = not a debuff. Ok you are welcome. If you don't believe me do research.