
  • No doubt bro. I respect that! The “community” is very quick to belittle folks and for what? We’re all just trying to enjoy the game and we all have our thoughts and opinions on things. Hopefully I see you in the realm sometime!
  • Haha true. Unfortunately with Kabam, it does hurt to ask. Because they’re gonna tell you no then the communities gonna try to rip you one also lol But it would be cool to have a little more support from the devs of this game so I get it
  • Yeah, This is also why I ended my statement by saying “it’s my fault for not exploring necro sooner”. Which I did explore necro. So IF something like this did happen, I could see it ending once 8.4 drops. But again, it’s not something that’s gonna happen lol just would’ve been nice for my last 2 points as I did EVERY other…
  • No. But would I would’ve liked during this gauntlet as a newly valiant player… to be able to do the objectives now during the gauntlet. Example: For the Dani moonstar fight, i have the opportunity to complete whatever her valiant objectives were during her week. To get that point. Of course this isn’t gonna happen and I’m…
  • I made this mistake twice. 1: I thought I needed to explore, and went the wrong way to explore so exited out (lost a key) 2. Went back to explore the path and it wasn’t the path with the key anyway but I was still only thinking about exploring (lost a key) 3. Came to the forums and saw that we all are messing up and…
  • Same mistake here but I doubt we’re getting that key back lol if they respond they’re going to hit us hard with the “we called it MAZE for a reason” then tell us to kick rocks with open toe shoes 😂
  • I missed the showcase too. I was too busy with exploring necro to lock in valiant. Def worth it! But now, if I plan on getting the deathless KG, I’ll just have to cough up the 5k units. Me missing the piece is on me. I kept putting it on the back burner
  • How does the pre-release work? Will it be a cost for a specific crystal to have a chance at those characters?
  • Wow! Kabam is dedicated to its pranks!
  • Psycho-Man is getting a buff?! Nice! I’ve tried him out as a 6* and it wasn’t my vibe. Have they released what the buff would be for him?
  • SCORPION!! I just got a 6* of him. I know people have been saying he’s incredible but I haven’t had the pleasure of testing him out yet. Thanks! Does that rupture immunity happen auto or will I need to complete a task or like throw a certain sp first to activate?
  • Who else is rupture immune?! I haven’t found that champ yet but that would be sooo useful! Especially in that BG where we had to inflict damaging debuffs because I could never get around the opponents rupture
  • Years?! lol oh yeah I’m wayyyyy too early. Thank you for the response.
  • Right. Valiant is still fairly new! Plus, 8.4 isn’t even released yet. In your gamer experience, how does the timeline for these things typically look?
  • Has this been brought to Kabam’s attention over time or is this just one of those things that we shouldn’t expect help with? It’s been so frustrating trying to explore necro. I feel like I could do a lot better if some of these things weren’t happening
  • The fact that it’s been so consistent just indicates that it’ll likely never be fixed lol but I’m hoping I’m wrong about that because those moments sucks the fun out of this game for me. I try to be optimistic though
  • Thank you all for your responses! I’m glad… but not glad to know that I’m not the only one experiencing this. I’m at the “end game” content so it makes things particularly difficult considering 1 mess up will cost you the entire match. Modes like Necro can’t afford any slip ups like this! It sucks sometimes. I really like…
  • Got it! Ok so I did misunderstand. Thank you. I was sitting here like “there’s no way I used all those sig stones for nothing” lol
  • How are we supposed to get the points for this now? Just grind it out?
  • I’ve got maxed and ascended 6* Hulkling with buff cornucopia and Odin and galan prefights but she is still destroying me lol that sand gets me every time I’ve been trying to get 6* Herc for months! Using all my shards on the tech/cosmic dual crystal.. even getting the $5 cosmic nexus every once in a while.. Kabam! Help a…
  • LOL I’m wondering if I’ll have necro explored before then. I’m 3 paths down. I’m hoping it’s sooner rather than later because a valiant status would help explore necro for sure
  • lol thank you! Yeah, I genuinely enjoy the game and if there are moments where I can learn something, then I’m all in! MOJO has seriously surprised me in a good way. My uncle pulled 6* MOJO a while back and constantly bashes him so I’m trying to show him the way now 😂😂
  • UPDATE: I’ve gotten a slight hang on him overnight (still working on it) and here are my takeaways: His dmg output isn’t GREAT (yellow numbers were doing 3-6k, sometimes 10k dmg) but pairing that with degens following those prompts really set my opponent up for failure. That fury boost from duping also helps a lot with…
  • Whoa!! So even if the opponent does the prompt!? No wonder he’d always demolish me with degen when I’d fight him in end game content. Really, thank you for this! I’m going to get him to max level r1 (I don’t have the materials to rank up another 7* right now) then try this out! It’s sounding like MOJO is solid and I just…
  • Yeah I’m hearing this from a few folks on here. I’m def gonna give him another shot! I’ll admit if I’m wrong lol
  • Maybe I just have to give me a real chance. I played with him a few times and couldn’t find a solid flow plus there’s no deep dive. I have a plethora of other champs that I’m mastering so MOJO just seemed like a back burner character. This crystal actually duped him for me so I will give him another shot until I figure…
  • I took him for a spin when I first got him after trying to look up some stuff online. & I just couldn’t get a flow down. This crystal actually duped him for me, So maybe I’ll give it another shot. Any suggestion on rotations to make him most effective?
  • I just finished WoW with She hulk (gamma) I’m not doing the robot challenge. As a Paragon, will I still be able to hit top prize as well? Also, can anyone explain the grace point that I’m hearing about?
  • The general consensus here is that we all want challenging content but this is TOO MUCH. It’s unbearable and unenjoyable. I got reemed because I mentioned ways they need to nerf this fight a bit. It wouldn’t take much: get rid of unstoppable or brute force and adjust that regen a bit. Even with the broken AI, higher rank…
  • I can respect that viewpoint. I also wasn’t aware of all the nerfing that has happened. I started this game like 8 or 9 years ago then stopped playing for a few years before jumping back in last year. So I came in when things were already nerfed I’m assuming I, however, still believe there is room for some tweaking.. & I…