Sam716 ★
I’m missing around 2500 intel was saving for selector on the last day. Initially I couldn’t see any intel now I see white intel that I earned today but everything I had saved went missing when I updated
Europe timezone preferably
That’s what they looked like if anybody didn’t see them
Thanks for all the offers I’ve found somewhere now
I’m not looking for new alliance we need 3 to join our alliance
Should probably add mainly USA Europe alliance
We had same problem no BG complete we are mixed group from all over the world so even with 30 minue energy wasn’t enough
Our alliance has the same problem we are just over 6 million and keep getting over 10 million matches also they all are at least 2 brackets above in season
I got Starlord Falcon She hulk Civil warrior Captain marvel Mordo
I posted about this earlier at least I’m not the only one our whole alliance couldn’t chat it’s working now but does the flickering thing on and off that someone else mentioned iPhone and iPad
I’m using iPad Air on 11.0.3 and having the problem
Same issue took a screenshot after it happen sometimes they die from shock after special 3 other time they just lye there