
  • @"Kabam Miike" Still not even an acknowledgement of the Quake bug/nerf on aftershock damage.
  • This is what I'm seeing... 5* r4 quake with reduced aftershock dmg. This was significantly higher before the 17.0 patch. @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious"
  • Aftershock damage is definitely lower for me. For what it's worth I was affected by the T-mobile bug and deleted and reinstalled the game. Perhaps a caching issue locally? Not sure how some people can claim aftershock was as potent as it was before and others are seeing drastically reduced ticks. The videos on here aren't…
  • Ok, so Aftershock damage is what I'm talking about... obviously
  • You're not getting it. It's not the aftershock dmg that's the issue.. the concussion dmg is lower than it normally is. They can totally test for this. Pre-patch 10 charges would do x amount of concussion and now 10 charges does less than x. No... they can't close this one. It's a serious issue.
  • What level is your quake? There is a huge difference in dmg output. 3.5K per tick vs the 2.5K or so that it does now. Pre-patch I've seen almost 5K ticks for tons of aftershocks and now I can't seem to get a 3K tick in at all, even with 17+ charges. At lower levels perhaps it's just not so noticeable to you. I'm using 5*…
  • @"Kabam Miike" Not sure who Nydeon is, but this IS an issue. Just last week I took my 5* Quake to rank 4 and I've been using her a TON. Her concussion damage has been seriously reduced. With everything being the same, for 15 charges applied I was getting about double the damage that is currently being done. This is a…