Scurvy42 ★
Didnt save the details, but this happened again with an awakened 4* nick fury doing the contamination back issue normal not variant, maybe 30 mins ago. New version of the software, android, samsung s9, wifi. Sad to see this bug has persisted across yet another version. :(
Deadpool (Weapon XI). Crappy version of Deadpool in the movies that would be hella-fun in MCOC! Make his unlock his Wolverine and Wraith abilities; the implanted katanas, the regeneration and teleport evade. So no bleed, regen or evade without unlock. His operation could be similar to Ronin in that you can swap his mode…
I finally duped my 4* Rogue, i think that was the best pull so far. 👍
Deadpool (wolverine: origins)
Oh, cr@p I'd missed they removed it! I may have a screen cap somewhere but it would take forever to find. :(
Yes. First time i click for my new hero milestone the icon spins then vanishes and nothing else happens. Android with newest update 954917.
Most recent crystal we were gifted that had small chance for 4*/5* Warlock, i almost soiled myself when 5* Warlock appeared! Man this chars animations are awesome and weird omg! Slowly (as usual) ranking him up where he belongs.
Its not the only trigger, and i havent figured the other ones yet. I think there is also a minimum time, and perhaps even a max, and maybe more i havent noticed yet. There is another thread talking about this iirc that may have more details.
Congrats! I'm in a similar boat with him and gwenpool (both duped) racing to be my first 5/50s. I recommend you practice with him a lot, once you get used to him he is awesome!
Dude Thor FTW.
Gwenpool hugging her collector doll during her victory celebration if you are holding block when your opponent kos (may not be the only trigger).
Never spend units on champs. So, so many units wasted on phc when i was a noob.
Ok, thanks. Will see what happens when i restart l8r. Bummer re 1*, thought they were replaced with something more useful in proven crystal. Thanks.
Yeah for a first 5 I'm not complaining. At least when my luck changes I'll have an ok base. Hopefully i wont have to wait 15 more tho! ;)
"Ain't never eaten no 'symbioid' before..."
I can't remember who i got, but one of my kids got a 4* imiw. Guess i can't be too jealous. ;)
Pulled 5* Ultron, my 4th 5* champ. Not unhappy. ;)
RNGesus must have heard you!
That one made me lol, the writing of that exchange was brilliant. Same with deadpool, like when he and venompool are chatting about his powers "Youre no blade." "Hes blatantly overpowered!..." Props to the writers.
@GroundedWisdom RNGesus may already be disappointed with your lack of faith, careful lest you suffer his vengeance! ;) Maybe head down to coal harbour and offer a sacrifice to the Vancouver hq? Im not sure what would be appropriate, maybe some oct17th, or vij's takeout? :smiley:
Thanks for the clarification all. I think its massively ridiculous but at least its 'working as intended'.. lol
C r a p That word is ****? Omfg kabam that's ridiculous.
Drain i meant, and wow thats supposed to happen? Holy **** thats... wow...
My daughter was blessed with a 4* Blade by RNGesus, but my son and i less so. He got another sig level for some 2* filler, i got that but for 2* ragna-hulk, so at least a fun arena toy. May the flying spaghetti monster bless your pool's gold.
Captain America (OG), first and so far only.
Oh, so these are the only 8 i'll get? Crappy. Thanks for the info!
Thanks to all. So many months without anything other than those 8 is just rng games then or do those have to be earned another way? Getting the little drips of extra resources is nice but having the other three would be better. :wink:
4* Gwenpoole. My kids got a 2* superior iron man and a 2* hulk.
First and so far only is Capt. America.
3* Spider Gwen