
  • You are right, I do need to get better at building a combo. I used Aegon in a few instances in content that was hard previously, and sacrificed the units to build him up. I can probably be comfortable up to 100 combo before quitting, so getting him to 400ish combo isn’t all that bad and might be worth it for big damage.
  • I do have Aegon. I haven’t planned what path I take. So he might be another good option in general. Ramping him up is always my problem. I’m usually scared of losing combo so I exit out a lot in fights to save 70 hits or so at a time. Does he have any advantage in reverse controls, or are you just saying for other phases…
  • I will definitely bring Sinister…I’m just trying to avoid ranking him up and use those resources elsewhere. I suppose an alternative is I could rank him up while at the grandmaster if R1 wasn’t working out for me. But yeah, I want to at least have an option in case I do really poorly on reverse controls.
  • Thanks. I don’t have Mysterio at 5 or 6 star unfortunately. If I happen to pull him, this would be my preference because I’m fairly comfortable with Emma. Good to know I might be able to use r1 Sinister. I will probably put him on team as is and use if I am getting tanked by reverse controls. Right now my team will be…
  • Thanks. I have to work on re-parrying in general so maybe this is a good opportunity.
  • Ok. So, they dash at me. Since that is happening, my stun (if it were to take place), occurs after the dash. So ‘immune’ kicks in and doesn’t allow the debuff stun?
  • Ok I went back in for some testing. My Quake problems were dropped inputs. I could have it happen right out of the gate. Heavy wasn’t registering. I basically had to do a little double tap at beginning so it worked reliably. I haven’t seen a missed input happen that frequently before.
  • I don’t think it’s a reaction time thing. I mean, when I restart the fight, I am already holding heavy so I am instantly doing that. I even tried several variations on that in case somehow it wasn’t registering. She made contact no matter what right out of the gate.
  • How are people using Quake? I used her and got Rogue down to like 18% health, then I messed up. I used a revive, and something is screwed up. Rogue’s unblockable was hitting me no matter what - I charged heavy and it ignored it and killed me. Tried several times and same result. Then I tried to just get out of the way by…
  • Ok well that explains it :)
  • Thank you...for some reason I missed it
  • Where are you seeing this? I don’t see this milestone for arenas at all.
  • 1*-3*: don’t remember 4*: Venom 5*: Sentinel 6*: MODOK I LOVE playing Venom. I want him so badly as 5 or 6 star. I have probably opened 20 or so tech/cosmic 5 star crystals at this point, and still no love. I was largely disappointed in my first 5/6 stars, but they weren’t horrible like others got.
  • First, there are legitimate privacy uses for VPNs unrelated to cheating. Second, people act like detecting all VPN activity is simple. A lot of VPN detection is done by looking at common IP ranges from well known VPN providers. So, people should realize that cheaters can even get around this with little problem by simply…
  • So, I initially was not going to play at all except for some of the lower level milestones. But then I decided I should go all out 1 time to see what my roster can do without any revives, and then I could see how that compares to others in this new arena. I did a lot better than I thought, but there is no chance of me…
  • I like getting the 3 star feature from milestone rewards. It’s a small thing, but fun, and it was easy in previous arena. But for 6.25M in new arena? Hahaha. That’s basically causing me not to even try. Not even going to waste my time.
  • Oh wow, that’s it! I have Quake and Fury together, and I don’t think I really usually have that combo. I don’t play NF much, so wasn’t thinking of potential synergies, but this explains everything I am seeing. Thanks!