Sgt_slammer1990 ★
Would love a tech awakening gem
I’m also interested in joining you’re alliance too in game name is: sgt slammer
To be fair he will be nerfed to hell just like sw
@"Kabam Miike" is team able to answer coz it must be frustrating for you but any answer would be appreciated and honestly a hope your team is putting extra rewards on top just for the inconvenience
It’s not abuse who ever keeps flagging it’s a general question towards the team to rectify the problem
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Wolf" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Loto" @"Kabam Zibiit" why hasn’t the rewards been resolved yet it frustrating that I’ve now been waiting over 24 hours to rank up my five star to r3 please resolve it please
@"Kabam Miike"
Don’t know the ally I’m in hasn’t received any rewards for alliance quest