ShashankGupta ★★★
Og guillotine,og guillotine and one and only og guillotine for me 😭 It's time for her to be a 7 star
In arcade I want change in his sig ability to give him a +1 fury passive for each personal debuff on the opponent with potency of +100 and max out at 3000 attack rating same as like scorpion with venom synergy till opponent has debuff the fury passive stays on him whenever debuff expires the fury passive also get removed…
After that I got g99 dupe and ihulk dupe
What's the hp of crossbone can we get a ss of that ?
Those valiant players who are expecting their hopes high for the Christmas gift I am gonna say calm down it was 7 star crystal for Valiant player so at best this time it will be 7 star nexus I am very confident in that guess because some youtubers are also giving 7 star nexus in giveaway so this means assuming 7 star nexus…
No offense you should have read first it was glorious guardian from the start and why would they give glorious games gem when they sold that in cyber weekend as the top price in unit store
So sorry guys even after 2 months I am not able to find any mashup idea to make a video of you guys have any idea pls let me know I wanna try 🙏
That's nice then always rank up who I like 😊btw this video is for you
Why fear when Starky industru is here to save us like previous realm event 🥰
I got him as well but the real point is I have a rank 5 ascend hit monkey and in my opinion he needs the max sig to get the aar reduction and increase duration in his modes which helped him to get extra utility and damage
- If you want to see how much I suffer through the video recording yesterday there you go If you don't want to see Check this
As a r6 hit monkey owner I am hesitant to take him to rank 3 because of his sigs kinda beneficial to him which gives extra duration on his modes and second part is also important for reducing DAAR for countering cheat codes mechanic like serpent but still he will be good damage dealer at rank 3
@Pikolu pls show the rank 3 red hulk gameplay on your channel without synergies or boost just main damage you can show him in chornoversary sq there hp are around 340k that's perfect to judge him I got a duped red hulk
Is she good as 6 star?
If the rewards were good and information was released on dec 6 it could have made the hype and also helped the f2p type players to grind arena and many players to search alliance quickly to not miss out on rewards but now who will want info when you can see the actual rewards after 2 days
Guys I am 100% sure the info is coming today as the CCP meetup is over yesterday so there is very high chance we get the info today
They are cooking something with CCP youtubers meetup in Vancouver going on Something important they will announce that's my guess?
@"Kabam Crashed" so this is a post regarding post so can I ask you where there is so much late on giving the banquet information.Will banquet be delayed this year because earlier we used to get information around dec 6-dec 8 but this time it is only a week left before the event starts. Can you provide some insight on it to…
I was thinking u will make a 7 star gwenpool thread today because many people like me will play her for the first time or many people who forgotten her can see her potential Like this no boost and synergies and r1 And against science class she destroye them
I got it last SOS was also 91 days event so I think instead of giving break between the 4th Fight and gauntlet. Kabam is giving break today for a week so this means just after the 4th Fight AOA gauntlet will come
Imagine the 7 star magik as lvl 65 reward And 7 star quake with changes as kabam Mike said year go as lvl 70 reward
@"Kabam Crashed"
Checkout my forum post this is filled with all the funny images I captured till now and then I edited with filter in such a way which makes them better Comment which one was your favourite?
Sorry I just didn't thought about that as I was too eager to see the grand banquet rewards as this is the 10th anniversary so I was over exited my bad I am Sorry for that It was my mistake I just didn't noticed I am in a thread talking about platinum pass But sorry sir I will learn from my mistake 😊
Why you haven't replied to my message sir when it was clearly above the message you replied to Give us a hint atleast when banquet info is coming? Or there is no banquet this year?
When is the banquet info dropping?
How confidently you said For Everyone.I need that confidence in my Life 😁
Bendy my biggest nightmare going to arrive I have to forcefully rankup deathless guillotine as she has the best synergies with thanos But I really don't want to rank her up as I hate her the most but I can't go in necro without a rank 2 deathless guillotine at the very least 😭
So most probably guillotine Thanos and she hulk will carry the team in necro I really want to see she hulk damage she has infinite trauma debuff but she doesn't have any way to gain more attack like og she hulk with passive furies or she also doesn't have a clause like luke cage which increases attack for each debuff on…
To get the rewards straight away your best time was to join alliance before dec 6 but even if you join tomorrow in the alliance event section u can see till when your contribution will give points so checkout that it's really important don't spend your until the timer goes away