Sid_47 ★
Are you sure? I thought when this saga stuff started the award was abyss nexus and now its been nerfed? i am not sure because i am returner and i dont know what was going on before sagas
😓😓you mean it was always a Nexus selector, i think i have started to hallucinate things in this game.
yes I agree she is a challenge but the factors beyond our control dictate how we fight the champion is beyond my understanding
Thank you for clearing it out and the gauntlet will be at the last of autumn of agony, right?
And that is unaffected by that deathless she-hulk objective
I am currently at 12 points
Wil raising a ticket might get somebody's attention to the issue?
Okay, will keep that in mind and will make to sure to progress fast enough aiming to be thronebreaker by the end of this month btw. Lets see what will happen then.
But that was not case in previous seasons, it was fairly normal and in previous to previous season i was even able to push above plat 1, but thanks for the info will keep that in mind.