Simp44 ★
Because he is trying to get free rewards like when someone said their rank 4 king groot disappeared but turns out he was lying
Triple kill
Its more civil than telling someone to f off stop defending him
Its going to be thor aka the one from fortnut
Definitely fake lmao
Cmon dawg is you are going to make an alt atleast change your pfp
Dem got nae naed hard
Red hulk
Rumor since its not confirmed
King groot is thicc
His new name is wack
Karnak op
Max potential and invisible women is only c tier thats wack
Blade is trash and should be in c
No stealth suit Spiderman is the best unduped skill If duped then nick
You have to bleed them harder
Oh wait i dont think doom has that maybe im tripping
Yes like doom
Bwcv dont listen to OneManArmy.
Doom is too op nerf
Good to know