Looking for active players. AQ AW map 4/5 would like higher but need active players. Core group been together for a while. Slowing down for RL stuff. We understand and have a spot for you to relax and enjoy playing again. Message me on line @ Sirius71
How new is your account? Message me in game to chat if you would like
May be able to set your group up with us. Line ID Sirius71🇨🇦 Don’t currently do AW as new alliance running AQ 4.
Message me in game and we can discuss more if your still interested. Would like to have you join us
We are a new alliance running map 3 and 4 w/ no war. We use line for communication. 10 members for now looking to add more. Let me know if your interested.
Still looking for players?
Are you still looking for players?
2 accounts map5 is okay but maybe difficult at higher prestige for one account