Sjrishi ★
If you miss day 1 due to bug or any other reason you'll just miss the og spidey not the ispFEIN
Good luck for the push
This right here
Thanks What if I change the title of discussion .....
Same thread would be so annoying I fond it rough
I hope so but till then I believe We'll hit cav. milestone mate
Hope its not a seen as cheat
I remember correctly it was around level 26(thats when I started act 4) in previous post I have 68 energy limit at level 24
Thats nice atleast
Thnx mate
Must be a bug.. I liked this one hahaha
Hmm..How change pfp here
Act 4 is completed About the energy...idk I found that strange too.. Im sure its not a sigil thing... I don't know what it is
How do I change the profile pic here?
I'll upgrade nefaria after act 4,sassy would be nice but I believe I should focus on 5stars