Skutlitch ★
I am interested please contact me! Skut
I might be intersted
I am interested and just left a Line message I think! Lol let me know if I got to you! Skut
Dr Yeti , You are just who I am looking for. I am the leader of (APex) Ascension. We comm on LINE app and trying 30 from our 22 mem alli. Our rate is 4.5 mill and war rate is 1142. Please look me up or I will you! Cheers Scut
I just friended you and looking for a player of your stature in our alliance. Leader of (apex) ascension. Please friend back and let’s talk a bit! Cheers Skut
I can’t find you either in line so friend me your interested. Skutlitch
I am interested, we are a 4.5 mil alli and just need 4 more to be full. I left a chat in this forum earlier today. “Alliance recruitment” if you would like to know more about my alliance. Cheers, Skutlitch
If your still looking I just left a chat named “alliance recruitment” today in this chat if you would like to see what my alliance is all about. Let me know we just need 4 more positions filled! Cheers Skutlitch
I am looking for someone just like you. Just left a chat under named alliance recruitment if you want to see what we are all about. Cheers Skutlitch
If you haven’t joined an alliance yet I am interested. I lead (APEX) Ascension. WR 4.5 mill, Ave mem rate 187K , War rating 1155. We are at 24 and need to bring it to 30. Left a recruit add below on list if you want to read what we are about. Skutlitch