Sliqness ★
Funny you mention that, I use SW in AQ but usually wolvie all the way. I had to use her and I said on line she must have been nerfed, I was hitting for 394 points as regular hits. Barely any crits at all. It took forever to kill whoever it was that was normally easy.
I had the same visual bug and last weeks AQ I had to use all my glory on potion which I’ve never done. Not only that but on round 2 of AQ yesterday, 9 people were dead. at dorm...I’ve never seen more than 2 but that’s if it’s day 4 or 5 and if one of our boss killers haven’t gotten to him yet.. iPhone 6s + IOS 11.0.2 here.
I'd at least like a selection of maybe 3 different mastery profiles. One for pure Arena grinding, Story, and AQ/AW.