Slo4dr ★
Looking for 2 new members to join before next AQ round. 11K prestige and active in AQ are the only requirements. Line: slo4dr IGN: slo4dr
Both of these were pulled from the free monthly cav crystal….👍
Pulled Hyperion this morning.
Only need 4 new people now. Great team with 12.2K average prestige.
Still looking to add a full BG to a Map 66655 AQ and 3BG war alliance. Our current prestige is +11K.
If there is anyone that doesn’t end up with a spot after this merger please let me know. We have 8-9 spots available. Looking to fill map 6 spots. Line:slo4dr IGN: slo4dr
Dang, okay. Wishing your team the best of luck. We’re in that same spot and this season has been the most difficult to find quality replacements. 👍
Apologies upfront for the dumb question, is this 5-10 players looking to join an alliance? Or an alliance seeking 5-10 new members?
Invite sent in game. Do you use Line?
Still have some spots open….need filled before AQ begins
Willing to bend on prestige if anyone is in the 9.5K range or higher please hit us up. I believe we have 5 hours before setup phase begins for AQ.
Now only one spot left….+45M Ally….come and join the fun!
Filled 1 spot, now only 2 spots open for new members. Come and enjoy great rewards for minimal AQ work and AW optional.
Looking for 3 new members before the next AQ cycle. War is completely optional.
2 spots left
Still looking for some replacements. US based timezones only please.
1 spot left...
4 spots still left
^US based and prestige ~10K preferred
3 spots open...
Still looking for 3
Still in the market....
Still looking
Still looking to replace a few that want to retire. Up to 2 spots available.
1 - 2 spots available come join a solid team with good rewards and low stress
Messaged you on Line.
We had a member move to a retirement alliance due to work we have 2 spots now open. Come join and earn great rewards with low stress and no war requirements.
1 spot still available before AQ starts
1 spot still left
1 spot left