Snail_McGavin ★
Yes, I’ve had this same issue. Agree, it’s 50/50 throughout all areas in game, but it felt worse during the Thanos fight in UC. His sp1 connected maybe 1 out of 5 attempts.
As players vote for the champ needing reworked, it should automatically change our profile pic until winners are announced. First choice of champ gets designated as your profile pic. Nothing screams player unity more than seeing Turd Tier profile pics posted all around.
Ones who need some luvin IMO.... Mutant: DPX, Magneto, Colossus Science: OG Cap, Fixit, Rhino (Sentry needs a boost) Skill: Netflix DD, AV, BPCW Mystic: IF, Lady Thor, Diablo Tech: IM(and others), Vulture, Red Skull Cosmic: Groot, BB, KK PS... long list of bugs needing attn
Same issue using iPhone 8
It’s not been an exciting event.
It’s a shame finding this out after wasting resources. When eager to play new released content, I’ll start reminding myself to wait another day or two until bugs are worked out.
Good seeing you’re on cue with the morning flags! Excellence at its finest, eh?
Maybe or maybe not... guess we’re entitled to our own thoughts.
Oh GW, morning sunshine!
Strategy 101 at kabam HQ: Big month in May with End Game coming out. Wreck the game month prior then magically fix it next upgrade with compensation. Players get a high to start spending.... who knows.
Magic class eh?
Why did my discussion get merged into an unrelated thread? Unresponsive game controls when attempting to block or actually holding down block when being attacked has nothing to do with firing off special attacks.
Blocks are being ignored at the very beginning of a fight and when defenders are dashing in. However I’ve noticed it work both ways when dashing in to the defender. I thought it was just me at first until hearing others who are having this same issue.
Don’t forget 5* Abom and DS
Yes I’ve experienced this exact issue. After special attacks nor can I get it to activate while intercepting defenders dashing in with WS synergy.
Oh man hmm... it’s hard naming only one or two when we’re not in full control of our own gameplay.
Maybe hold onto your stash of units so the bugs can eat in May.
I have domino but not a Corvus and I’d still R5 my hype again over those two picks. Besides Aegon my go to champ for most situations is Hype. Congrats on taking him to R5!
100% agree
Thank you, your response was all I needed!
@"Kabam Lyra"
Again, thanks for responding. Here’s a response from support, any suggestions for helping this move along more quickly? Thanks
Game Team, is there any reason why a member wouldn’t be allowed to join AQ after maintenance took place? Day 5 and now short one so hoping someone’s around to help explain?? Thanks
Anyone running into this same issue?
Actually now I’m wondering if that average 15-17% difference is only due to having one point in resonate.
I used a 30% boost plus 10% boost in aw today against Domino(boss fight). Later after each boost was depleted, I ran a match against ROL WS. Between those fights the difference in damage at most was 17% and mostly during the fight it was 15%. Both fights were with Hyperion 5/65.
Knowing the description for this mastery is being changed, wouldn’t that at least qualify for an opportunity to reset masteries at no costs?
Onslaught, Mr. Sinister and Sebastian Shaw!!