
  • Really annoying to read this thread with all this crying and sulking. Variant 6 is great. Lots of fun and interactive nodes. I’ve really enjoyed it. Great work Kabam! And stop crying about that weakness path. Just turn on resonate and it is a very easy path. Don’t have resonate? Well, then invest in it for crying out loud!
  • Here is my response to Kabam: Dear Kabam I used Aegon, Starlord, Symbiote Supreme, Nick Fury and Human Torch for my Abyss completion. For the specific CMM fight I tried first with SS, but that didn't work. Hence I switched to Aegon and unitman to finish the fight. I probably spent between 1000-2000 units on that fight…
  • Added you in game Viva93. We're always looking for skilled map5/6 players. We do a mix of map6 and map5. Gold2 ally atm, but aiming for gold1. You can reach me on Line as: SpiderOdd
  • Many will say Venom the Duck is r2 worthy even unduped. I agree.
  • Has anyone tried Crossbones for Supreme Symbiote? He generates a ton of furies and hits really hard. I am thinking of bringing him to this fight. Mine is only r3 though (unduped).
  • My two options are Iceman and Blade. I have to r4 Blade first though, so he will take longer time to r5 if I go for him. Iceman at r5 seems very tempting to me.
  • By calling BP and Electra for trash champions you just show how ignorant you are in terms of this game. They are both great champs. I took the easy LOL path with my r4 5* BP. He also carried me through most of Act 5.3. Don't come here calling him trash. With maxed DW he is a top champ.