Spiderboy007 ★
Thank you all! I got some additional 7 star champs. Any new thoughts here?
Not really. I already have the other Vision (6 stars) and really don’t use him so much. Thanks for the comment though.
That’s exactly what I am thinking. I want Thanos just because he is Thanos. Just wanted to get people’s opinion before I choose.
Please share your thoughts!
Noted. I was thinking about Colossus as well.
Thank you. I am really curious whether duped Angela is worth ranking up.
Thanks @awesomesauce ! Does Kitty need to be duped? Or should I keep the awakening gem for another champ instead?
Sorry my Kitty is unduped. Should I use the awakening gem on her and then take her to R5?
I only have Peni as a 5 star champ…she’s pretty awesome though.
Kingpin it is! Thanks for all the suggestions.
I was actually thinking about Sunspot, but Kingpin??? I have had him for a while but never thought he would be worth ranking up. Seriously, is he really good?