Spidey4035 ★
In-Game Name: Spidey 4035. Device and Model: Oppo A9 2020 Device Operating System: Android 9 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 27.2.5 Game Mode: Any mode Description of the Issue: Using WiFi when i win a match but before the victory message comes up, the lost signal sign appears and the game disconnects and…
Ohhh ok, that would make more sense. Thanks for the info!
I hope its a visual bug!! We are in a war at the moment and for example our alliance boss is 5K and theirs is 13K. Slight disadvantage to us if its not visual!
Now it has problems connection with my phone's data, keeps dropping out half the time. I know they are looking into it, I just hope its sorted soon!!
I was able to connect for a few days on my Samsung J5 with sky wifi, but its gone once again tonight
I havent been able to login since I installed to the new update a few hours ago. Im in the UK using a Samsung Galaxy J5 with android 5.1.1 and wi-fi on EE
Stark Spidey, been looking him for ages!! :smiley:
UK here, Samsung J5
Me too, sometimes I can see the chat and post, but most times I cant
I've notice it happening to me the past few days, I get the special, hit it and.... nothing!
Just adding my name to list of android users who cant login, there goes my arena and guardian hero event :disappointed: