SpiritWarrior ★
Same thing has happened to me I explored 100% thronebreaker difficulty but was not able to join Paragon Gauntlet quest
Even I am facing the same issue even though I have completed the event a couple hours before it expires and claimed that entry ticket as well
I Don't know what they are Doing this is so bad and irritating that she can't Phase Recoil Kabam please Fix this asap this is a Big problem
yes i was doing Feat last time and basic this time
1.Ghost (can't replace) 2.Quake 3.Aegon 4.Corvus GHOST is the best champion in the and Quake is the second best champion Ghost shreds down content way more smoothly and quickly than her but Quaking is also a great thing But Im ready to argue for Ghost she can't be replaced From no.1 🤷