Would you be willing to use discord?
Our current war rank is silver 2. On the boarder of silver 1. We do 2 bg optional wars.
If you are still looking, we use discord. But would be happy to take you in if you are comfortable with running map 5 or 4 in AQ. Add me in game if interested. Steelmill_276
If you are willing to do discord, we do 654 and 2 bg wars. Add me in game at steelmill_276
We would have a spot for you as well but would need discord like the group above stated. We run 654 with 2 bg wars. My in game is steelmill_276
If you are still looking, at honor we run 654 when full. We are looking for 3 members so we can get that rolling. We do 2 bg wars. Around 7k prestige. Add me in game if you haven’t found anything. Steelmill_276
Sent you a request in game. We aren’t gold3 but are going to make a push for it.
My alliance is working towards gold 3 this season. We have 7k prestige and run map 5 and 4. We use discord. If interested add steelmill_276 in game to chat.
If you would be willing to use discord, my alliance will take you in. Add me in game if interested. Steelmill_276
Also no chat apps are required. We just ask that you get on and do your part.