
  • Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.[/quote] 5* did not make 4* obsolete,…
  • Are there any plans to fix the game for Android? I've been having severe gameplay issues since this forced beta with only auto responses from support. Also this thread seems to be locked on the forums and an admin or moderator hasn't given us any answers. These bugs are making the game nearly unplayable, as a result i am…
  • Any word on if the bugs from the beta test will be fixed? Currently unable to finish off my uncollected run due to terrible game play.