SymbioticVen9M ★
Ahh thanks for the advice, I used to use decay champs but they don’t work any more. Some good shouts, guessing you use IBom for the first half and Abs for the second?
Just read this, god hard to believe this was 5 years ago and I was 15 haha. Very cool memory, still can’t believe he isn’t in the game yet lol
Yep, I’ve claimed them all, there was a point I had 2 points and then I did robot hours later and had 1 point
I find it worst how they took the only actual raid revive out you can buy with units. Anyone wanting to go is going in with less than 5% health
Raids is very messy, I hope Kabam can implement changes for the next one. We have a 3 minute timer so there’s no need for a 10% cap. Why give Ultron self-repair allowing him to heal millions of health in seconds. And now, why remove revives from the shop in the last hour denying all alliances that were unaware?
Frustrating experience, I found the Ultron Self-Repair Annoying as well as the 10% Cap but now this is just the icing on top. It’s so punishing when you make a small mistake in Raids and you have to compensate, be it spending units or setting yourself a day back, Raids has overall disappointed from a good idea to a greedy…
Thanks guys, I took a break and read these messages and took him. Maybe should’ve read the fight a bit better 😅
Y’all lot not saying the Wolverines can’t survive this
Yh I came to the forums for this, it seems as though the bug is power reserve activates upon any Debuff instead of a damage over time. So stuns, weakness, enervate etc
Namor, his ability to reflect damage hasn’t been fully tapped into in my opinion, summer of pain I think might be the tip of the iceberg
Oh no, I’ve got the cats but not the champ nor the level. I have two T5CC in fact
Cheers Mate, I can’t wait for two six star cyclops and a material I get in a weeks worth of aq in advance
Lol I have Two T5CC and my level is 54. Skill and cosmic
Also I like how you all say get TB but I’ve been grinding the event since SoP dropped using XP boost after XP boost and getting nowhere with my level
No…TB gets the rewards for the Event and Objectives which Cavs don’t.
They’re 25% T5CC selectors that’s so bs
Doom being Psychic Shielding would work best as a synergy, like Overseer and Emma+Mysterio. In my opinion adding something like that to his base kit gives him too much utility as he is already
Yh he’s probably a top option Cap IW and Void are hard cause high dupe SheHulk and IBom and Torch and Piggy are generally the go to, but then I’d say IHulk after them
Howard The Duck. Y’all probably aren’t even playing the game right or haven’t reached endgame. This guy pumps out Damage. Bruh have you seen dat hot Thunderquack and Chubky Furies. And the armour Is massive damage reduction. Self-Repair Too. What more do you want man!
Yeah Iso Problem
You can’t go wrong with either but Apocalypse is just Ba
Merry Christmas to you too
Oh ok
lol just wondering, I’m have two quests left to explore mistrust and reign
Do Cav
Also Why do you think so?
I have both 6 Star R2, I rarely use long shot but sorcerer supreme i use a lot. I have a lot of practicality issues with longshot a lot of times with the parry but sorcerer supreme isn’t too reliant on anything
Not Bishop he sucks Mutant is Psylocke thanks to rhythmic she is insane shutdown unless external power gain
@"Kabam Porthos" I think you should close the thread since it’s reached the stage where it’s attacking the youtuber rather then the point made originally
Yh I agree so it shouldn’t matter if ghost and quake are better then apocalypse